October Around The Web

October is coming to a close — we started the month at another wedding celebrating our friends Jon and Emily, our dining room table finally arrived after being restored, I had a few fun happy hours with work friends (Cafe Trio in KC always decorates for Halloween!), we celebrated my sister Sophie’s birthday with Indian food, we attended a baby shower for Dale’s co-workers, went to a Louisburg football game with Laura & Ashton, spent a weekend at Turkey Hill for Oktoberfest, wrapped up Holiday Mart 2021 with a happy hour, had dinner with Brandon &Sonya and Megan & Matt/Mary & Kam around Dale’s birthday, and then headed to Nashville for Dale’s 30th! Looking back we were able to see so many friends and family which made the month fly by!

December Around The Web

December flew by! This year Dale and I celebrated all month long with advent gifts/activities we planned for each other. It really helped bring some extra joy to this strange holiday season! We also celebrated my mom’s birthday with a luminary walk, Holiday Mart wrapped up with some awesome events including a virtual flower arranging event, and my family did an outdoor cookie exchange. Christmas both felt totally normal and completely different as we moved our celebrations outside, into garages and over zoom. This month around the web I loved getting glimpses of how others decorated this year, especially this dreamy curtain/wreath situation in Kelly’s daughters’s room:

Hope your holidays were merry and bright!

October Around the Web

Happy Halloween, friends! This October was extra special because we were able to celebrate my sister Sophie’s engagement, she found her wedding dress and she had a birthday! Dale also turned 29 this month and despite being on a busy rotation at work we celebrated with Minsky’s and a fire pit night. We also fit in lots of traditional October things with a visit to Weston to pick apples and pumpkins, we went to Louisberg Cider Mill and watched both the Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates on our outdoor projector. Last night we topped it all off by watching Hocus Pocus with a few friends. We’ve made the most of this extra strange spooky season! Here are a few of my favorite’s this month:

Let’s vote for change, friends!