Mother's Day Cards for Hallmark: Part Two

Here are a few more Mother’s Day cards I worked on this year! Process really makes both these looks shine, the first card has multiple foils, screen print, and flitter while the other two really sparkle with flitter dots and gold foil. I am really looking forward to a Mother’s Day picnic with my mom this weekend, I hope you have plans to celebrate with your families, too!

Letters Are Lovely | Mother's Day Cards for Hallmark
Letters Are Lovely | Mother's Day Cards for Hallmark
Letters Are Lovely | Mother's Day Cards for Hallmark

#FontsMadeByWomen — Lila Symons at TypeCon2018

I’m so excited to share my friend Lila Symons’ talk from TypeCon2018! I was honored that she choose to talk about our collaboration on her font Fieldsmith as one of the #FontsMadeByWomen she has worked on during her time at Hallmark. I really am constantly inspired by the talented women I work with, including Lila!

Letters Are Lovely | #FontsMadeByWomen — Lila Symons at TypeCon2018