March Around The Web

Hello, everyone! I hope you are well, what a strange and sad month March turned out to be! We were lucky to safely make it back from Costa Rica and shortly after that Kansas City went into social distancing full swing. I don’t know what April will bring but I do know that I’m thinking of everyone affected by Covid-19, especially New York City. And as a wife of a doctor I’m really proud of all the amazing health care workers. I especially loved seeing rainbows in Brooklyn as shared by Joanna of Cup of Jo – the three story rainbow window display by Linsey Laidlaw and her kids takes the cake!

January Around The Web

Hello, friends! This month was filled with much more football than anticipated (Go Chiefs!), dinners with friends (including our second annual trip to Fogo de Chão for KC Restaurant Week), meetings for a new volunteer position I took on, and time with family! At home I spent some more time working on our sunroom and have also started researching/getting estimates for a bathroom remodel. I stumbled across this post from Ashley about redoing her old home’s bathroom and learned a lot!

  • January was also filled with lots of travel planning! I’m headed to Costa Rica in March with my family and loved this recap from John & Sherry.

  • We also booked a trip to Santa Fe in June! More research needs to be done but this got me excited. I also got lots of recommendations from friends from work making the decision to spend our anniversary in NM super easy.

  • Have you tried Rent The Runway Unlimited? Curious to hear thoughts… but love this dress!

  • Really hoping February is filled with more cooking at home. Excited to try this lasagna or kale pesto (notice a theme?)

  • This quote seemed to be floating around Instagram recently and I loved my friend Brittany’s beautiful lettering!

  • Love a good before and after.

Closer to the future, now.

November Around The Web

November has come to a close and I’m super grateful for another Thanksgiving spent celebrating with family and friends. This month was filled with new workouts (a bootcamp class and rock climbing), lots of actual work, Fiesta Friendsgiving and Girlfriendsgiving, the last of #My5Days spent drawing at Family Tree Nursery, and some holiday shopping. This month around the web I found lots of place setting inspo, how amazing would it be to use costume jewelry like this idea from A Fabulous Fete??

Grateful and Thankful!