Saved: Instagram Roundup

Hello, friends! Today I'm sharing another roundup of some of my recent favorites from Instagram. This is one of my favorite ways to gather inspiration, so without further ado:

In order of appearance:
Matisse Hales (@matisseh)
Grey Likes Weddings (@greylikes)
Papetal by Jennifer Tran (@_papetal_)
Wells Collins (@wellscollins)
Wanissa Somsuphangsri (@wanisssa)
Hallmark Signature (@hallmarksignature)

Letters Are Lovely | Saved: Instagram Roundup

Floral Mother’s Day Cards

Today I'm sharing the last group of Mother's Day cards I designed for Hallmark! These cards were a collaboration with Hallmark's Union Hill photo studio, and I love the kaleidoscope effect with the floral photos. I hope you have enjoyed seeing a glimpse into my work world, it's always interesting for me to reflect when my work actually arrives in stores because there is such a delay. I loved working on this team, and while I am now back in the Lettering Studio I am happy that I will be able to continue collaborating with the talented designers working on this special holiday. Happy Mother's Day! 

Letters Are Lovely | Mother's Day Cards
Letters Are Lovely | Mother's Day Cards
Letters Are Lovely | Mother's Day Cards
Letters Are Lovely | Mother's Day Cards
Letters Are Lovely | Mother's Day Cards