Valentine’s Day Cards

While out and about shopping for Valentine’s cards I was happy to see my lettering applied to a couple new cards this year! I can’t wait to send this sister card to one of my sisters, and I also love working on mono-weight scripts — this “hello” lettering was no exception. I hope you are making plans to celebrate with those you love!

Letters Are Lovely | Valentine's Day Cards
Letters Are Lovely | Valentine's Day Cards

January Around The Web

Hello, friends! Normally I can’t believe a month has already gone by when I write these posts but this January felt like two months in one. This month we finished up our mini kitchen renovation, rang in the new year with new KC friends, survived a blizzard and freezing temps, celebrated my friend Alyissa’s birthday and hosted a family birthday part for my grandpa. Work wise was where most of the craziness came in, I started lots of exciting new projects and my friend Meredith and I saw our mural at Ability KC come to life (thanks to lots of Hallmark volunteers)! This month wasn’t a big shopping month as we finished the kitchen, but there was definitely lots of kitchen inspiration on the brain and we made some new recipes, too. Enjoy!

Welcome, 2019!

Ability KC Mural

Last week was super special as my friend Meredith and I saw the mural we have been working on since November come to life at Ability KC, a local organization that serves children with disabilities. Our fellow Hallmarkers volunteered to help us transfer and paint the 28 foot mural over four days (many of which participated through #My5Days!). Take a peek at the final mural design and time-lapse video below, I hope that the patients and staff at Ability KC enjoy this mural for many years to come!

Letters Are Lovely | Ability KC Mural
Letters Are Lovely | Ability KC Mural

Kitchen Roundup

Our mini kitchen renovation was finished just before Christmas and while I’m planning to share photos soon I also wanted to list out where we purchased some of the new pieces. Other than the light, everything below is happily living in our new bright white space and I’m looking forward to replacing the light fixture soon! Enjoy!

Letters Are Lovely | Kitchen Updates