Easter Eggs for Think.Make.Share.

Easter is right around the corner and once again Think.Make.Share. has lots of inspiration for your egg decorating! I was lucky enough to spend an afternoon painting a few eggs, and you can head over to the blog to see all the amazing results. You can also take a peek back at the workshop I hosted last year if you want even more inspiration. Happy decorating! 

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Heart Day, everyone! While I won't actually get to celebrate until tomorrow, I wanted to pop in and wish you all a day filled with lots of love. AND to share this lovely Hallmark Vida card designed by Brittany Bange. She used Fieldsmith, the font Lila and I collaborated on, which I shared here. It's so exciting to see it used and out in the real world! I can't wait to see which Valentine's Day card Dale has waiting for me...

Letters Are Lovely | Happy Valentine's Day!

Fieldsmith Typeface Collaboration

Happy Monday! I'm excited to finally share a glimpse into the connected script typeface Fieldsmith, created by Lila Symons for Hallmark and based off of my hand lettering! The lovely Nan Sinchai used Fieldsmith on these Valentine's Day cards (now in stores!). One of the best parts about working at Hallmark is collaborating—especially with friends. While it seems a little early to start shopping for Valentine's cards, I know I will be on the lookout for these when I do get shopping!

Letters Are Lovely | Fieldsmith Typeface Collaboration
Letters Are Lovely | Fieldsmith Typeface Collaboration
Letters Are Lovely | Fieldsmith Typeface Collaboration
Letters Are Lovely | Fieldsmith Typeface Collaboration
Letters Are Lovely | Fieldsmith Typeface Collaboration
Letters Are Lovely | Fieldsmith Typeface Collaboration